Enflasyon Araştırma Grubu
Neden Günlük Enflasyon
Araştırma ve Projelerimiz
ENAGrup Üyeleri
Basında ENAGrup
The Wall Street Journal
ENAGrup, a research organization that assesses thousands of prices within Turkey, said Monday that the true annual inflation rate is 82.81%.
The Wall Street Journal
An independent inflation research group ENAGrup, which assesses thousands of Turkish prices, estimates that annual inflation for November was more than 58%.
Ulusoy said ENAG’s research has appeared in a peer-reviewed journal and called the allegation baseless, but anticipated charges would be filed in the coming months.
Independent experts at Inflation Research Group, or ENAG, say Turkey's actual annual inflation for December was 82.81%.
The Wall Street Journal
Independent economists have also calculated that Turkey’s true inflation rate could be as high as 82%.
The Economist
Prices in Turkey are surging. But by how much? Depending on whom you ask, inflation is either around 17% or 40%
“We observed price differences and volatility in almost all groups in the basket,” Ulusoy said in an interview. ENAG brings together academics from multiple Turkish universities.
Turkish monthly inflation was more than triple the official rate in September, according to a new model developed by a group of academics and researchers based on more frequent data than the government statistics office.
IHS Markit
An independent institution headed by academics from several Turkish universities, ENAGrup, reportedly estimated that prices actually grew by 36.7% in 2020.
IHS Markit
A local research group, ENAG, that uses a similar basket of goods determined the actual rate of inflation in 2021 should have been 82.8% at end-2021.
US News
Independent experts at Inflation Research Group, or ENAG, say Turkey's actual annual inflation for December was 82.81%.
ENAGroup, an independent inflation research organization argued that real inflation figures exceed the official data by a big margin.
Yahoo News
Independent economic institutes such as the Inflation Research Group (ENAG) calculated last month's annual inflation rate at 82.8 percent.
Capital France
Des économistes turcs du Groupe de recherche sur l'inflation (ENAG) affirment que le taux réel d'inflation a atteint 82,8% sur un an, bien au-delà des chiffres officiels.
AP News
Independent experts at Inflation Research Group, or ENAG, say Turkey’s actual annual inflation for December was 82.81%.
According to Turkey’s influential ENAGrup the December rate was much higher still at 82.8%. Official producer price inflation was 79.9% and this will feed through into official consumer price inflation in the coming weeks.
abc News
Independent experts at Inflation Research Group, or ENAG, say Turkey's actual annual inflation for December was 82.81%.
Turkey Analyst
The Inflation Research Group (ENAGrup), composed of academics and former government officials, estimates Turkey's real October 2021 inflation rate to be an alarming 49.87%.
Arab News
According to ENAG’s first published finding, consumer prices in September rose 3.61% from the previous month, compared to TUIK’s calculation of 0.97% increase.
bne IntelliNews
The ENAG model can calculate inflation as frequently as every hour, meaning it can fill gaps for researchers and investors, Ulusoy added. It weighs items in the same way as TUIK, but excludes price data from health, education spending and alcoholic drinks.
“Hasta hace cinco años nadie cuestionaba los datos de TÜIK, pero desde entonces ha comenzado a haber serias dudas sobre su veracidad”, explica Veysel Ulusoy, profesor de Econometría y director del Grupo de Estudios sobre la Inflación (ENAG)
News Break
According to ENAG’s first published finding, consumer prices in September rose 3.61% from the previous month, compared to TUIK’s calculation of 0.97% increase.
Ekonomide hani bazı veriler ateşli bir şekilde tartışılıp birkaç saat sonra unutulur ya, işte onlardan birisi yoksulluk diğeri ise yoksunluktur.
P.A. Turkey
Inflation Research Group (ENAG), a collective of leading academicians, announced that they had begun to calculate inflation of Turkey. ENAG, announcing that they will publish changes in consumer prices on a monthly basis, calculated September inflation as 3.61 percent. The alternative calculation indicates that is approximately 4 times higher than the 0.97 September inflation rate level announced by TURKSTAT.
Pandemi Sepeti, salgın döneminde değişen tüketim alışkanlıkları ve harcama sıklığına göre farklılığa uğradı.
Turkish Researchers Face Fines for Publishing Own Inflation Data.
Bloomberg HT
Enflasyon Araştırma Grubu'na yönelik suç duyurusuyla ilgili kurum açıklamasında ilgili suç duyurusunun araştırma sonuçlarıyla ilgili olmadığını belirtti.
BBC Türkçe
Enflasyon Araştırma Grubu'nun (ENAG) kurucusu ve yöneticisi olan Prof. Dr. Veysel Ulusoy ise hayat pahalılığı ve enflasyon arasındaki farka vurgu yapıyor.